This Blog

I have been writing since I was six years old. I started from a simple Hello Kitty fan fiction, then I experimented with other genres (except science fiction) as I grew up.

On March 3, 2005 I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and a year or so later, I felt the conviction to use my talent for His glory. This blog (as well as my other existing sites) is a product of that conviction. I want to not just write pieces for the entertainment of the readers, and not just for me to have an outlet of my emotions and flights of fancy; I also want to share God's Word through the humble writings you will see here--literary efforts such as poems/songs and short stories, school works, personal devotionals, and, of course, glimpses of my everyday life.

I hope you enjoy your visit to this blog. God bless thee!

Ellemira Dawn (pseudonym)
June 29, 2011
04:37 PM